
Sunday, 16 August 2009

MCBteens' Explorace

A game of Explorace has been arranged by MCBParents for the 'MCBKids' during a birthday party on 16th August 2009. Three games has been played between the five teams:

1) CreditCrunch: where two of the people in our teams had to buy 3 items from the local shop that a teenager would buy. but we had to have at least 21p exchange.

2) Ramadhan In A Hurry: one of the person in our team had to cook Omelet with the ingredients given in 5 mins.

3) Summer's Over: as a team, we had to create a summer dress as summer's nearly over. we had to use our creativity in creating our summer dress.

There were some other games planned but we had no time to finish it as it was already quite late. According to AuntyWan, the other games will be played some other time, when possible.

Below are the teams who played during the games.

Team 1: [From Left] Nadiah, Aida, Hadi

Team 2: [From Left] Alia, Arina, Safuan

Team 3: [From Left] Syahmi, Ayunni, Aqidah

Team 4: [From Left] Amalia, Imtiaz, Syazwan

Team 5: [From Left] Sulaiman, Anis, Qadriah

The winners of this Explorace hasn't been announced yet.
InsyaAllah, I'll be updating more about this Explorace... if any changes made.


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